Sunday 1 July 2012

Star Spangled Tilda


I hope everyone is ok this morning, I'm feeling a little tired I got too excited watching Andy Murray last night LOL and I started making this card, I've had to finish it this morning as I was too carried away last night LOL!!

I bought Liberty Tilda a while back & have been dying to use her but wanted some stars & stripes papers to use with her & I struggled finding any I liked, so when I found some in Sweet Shoppe Designs I just HAD to have them!

I printed out the stars & stripes paper & a few elements from the Kit, the celebrate tag, the Freedom tiles & a little eagle (for the inside). I colored Tilda with Pro Markers, added ribbon & jewels & flowers from my stash.

I decorated the inside to match, added another Liberty Tilda & a funky little Eagle embllishment made with my epiphany tool.

I must say, I do quite love this card. But if you know me well you'll know I LOVE everything to do with that great land they call the USA!!!! Please adopt me someone who lives theres so I can come & live with you LOL

I'm entering my card into the following challenges:
Simon Says Stamp Challenge - Sporty and or Patriotic
Cute Card Thursday - Patriotic
Tilda's Town - Time to Celebrate

Right I must dash, I still have to wash & dry & Straighten my hair as Im due at work today - I don't think I could call in & say Im not coming in today 'cos I'm coloring Tilda in LOL See you all laters, I'll be back with my Crafter's Companion Challenge card when I get in from work. xxx


Unknown said...

Morning beautiful card, fab image and sweet papers! Jo xxx

Bee said...

This is fab! X

sparklingblackrose said...

Gorgeous! Elaine-xxx-

Paula said...

Fantastic!! Tilda is so pretty, wonderful card.

Tina Makuc said...

Your card looks gorgeous Caroline!!
I love your colouring!!! Your Liberty Tilda is amazing!!!
Thanks for joining us at Tilda's Town this week!!!
Hugs, Tina

Tina Makuc said...

Your card looks gorgeous Caroline!!
I love your colouring!!! Your Liberty Tilda is amazing!!!
Thanks for joining us at Tilda's Town this week!!!
Hugs, Tina

Katharina Frei said...

Your card is so precious!
Thanks for joining the CCT challenge blog this week!
Katharina x

jodyb said...


Lin said...

Oh how cute she is! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Simon Says Stamp challenge!

LeslieT said...

This is adorable! Love those papers, too! :)

debby4000 said...

Oh what a fabulous card, love it.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful, I love the design and your gorgeous Liberty Tilda, nicely done
Hugs Julie P

Karen said...

Very festive! Awesome card.


rovianne said...

Love your card. Great colors

Cherri said...

Very nicely done!

Cherri said...

So fun and such great colors! Nice Job!

Cherri said...

So fun and such great colors! Nice Job!

Elle said...

I LOVE your card! The ribbon is perfect for it. Great compliment to a fabulous creation.

Cathy Lee said...

So precious, Caroline. I love it!
Cathy Lee

cathylynn said...

You have done a fantastic job! Your card is beautiful!! Great inside and out!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn

Teresa said...

Ooh gorgeous card Caroline, thank you for sharing with us at Tilda's Town Celebrate challenge. Hugs Teresa xx

Linda Palmer said...

Darling card and an awesome design. Love it!

Suzi Mac said...

This is gorgeous Angela, love the layout and that sweet Tilda is adorable. A beautiful card.
Suzi x

cabio's craft corner said...

Cute and lovely card Angela!!!

Janneke said...

What a beautiful card ;o)
Thank you for joining us at Tilda's Town this week.

Becky said...

I've been tempted to use that excuse to go in late, I can just imagine how that would go down.
You're from my neck of the woods, I'm just down the A19 at Hartlepool, hope you were ok in that downpour the other week, I couldn't believe some of the photos I saw.
Your card is fab, the DP's are great
Thanks for joining us for this challenge at
Tilda's Town Challenges
Hugs, Becky x

I've got candy on my blog if youre interested

Unknown said...

Beautiful!! Thanks for playing along at Tilda's Town this week:-)