Monday 12 October 2009

Magnolia Down Under Store GDT Call

OMG Look what I have just come across - how FAB Magnolia Down Under The Store are looking for a Guest Designed for 3 months!!!!

Here's what to info:

we are looking for a guest for 3 months for the Magnolia Down Under *Store* and to enter has never been easier….
Add our logo to your sidebar, (can be found in the sidebar).
We would like you to prepare a blog post for us showcasing your favourite handmade creations. It, or they, can be from last year, last month, last week or yesterday. Doesn’t have to have a Magnolia, but would be a bonus. And leave a link back to this guest design team call post so that others know where to apply.
That’s it! It’s open to everyone WORLDWIDE. If you need more details please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have
What you get from joining our creative team…
Your work will get showcased on our blog.
You’ll receive a DT kit personally prepared for you with lots of Magnolialicious bits and bobs to keep you happy while creating with us
Whats expected from you?
To post on your blog about any advertising needed for the store.
To participate in any challenges held for the store.
2-4 cards/projects per month with links to store and or blog.
This position is for 3 months…
This call is till Saturday 17th October MIDNIGHT.

Here are a couple of my favourite creations!


Janiel/ janny said...

good luck would be great for this!!
hugs, janny

Kellie said...

gorgeous as always! Thank you so much for applying and best of luck to you.

Hugs, xx