From the lovely Alex, go and check out her blog as she has the most GORGEOUS cards!!!
Now for the rules for this award ..........
The winner may put the logo on their blog. Put a link to the person who sent you the award. Nominate 5 blogs and put links to their blogs (the difficult bit... choosing!)Leave a message for your nominees, the blogs I am awarding are:-
1) Erin
2) Suzanne
3) Mina
4) Sue &
5) Sandra
They all have FAB work so go check them out, just off to let them know what they've received!
wow thank you so much it is so nice to know people like looking at my blog. Just had a quick scan through yours and I am loving all your Tilda Christmas cards. Sue :o)
Hi....thank you for the award,it's so kind of you to think of me,
Take care
Sandra x
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